Prime Minister Scott Morrison reveals terms of reference for aged care royal commission

Aged Care

The Federal Government has announced its terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which will be based in Adelaide.

Key points:

A judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia and a former CEO of Medicare Australia have been appointed to lead the commission.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Justice Joseph McGrath and Lynelle Briggs had strong investigative skills and extensive experience in corporate and public-sector governance.

"They will need to determine the full extent of the problems in aged care and to understand how we can meet the challenges and the opportunities of delivering aged care services now and into the future," Mr Morrison said.

"This is very much looking at what has happened, but it is also very much about understanding what needs to be done into the future.

It will be directed to inquire into all forms of Commonwealth-funded aged care, wherever they are delivered.

The commissioners will be required to produce an interim report by the end of next October, and a final report by the end of April 2020.

The Prime Minister announced plans for the inquiry last month following a string of disturbing cases involving abuse, neglect and mistreatment in nursing homes throughout the country.

Terms of reference 'deliberately broad'

The commission's terms of reference were signed off by Governor-General Peter Cosgrove yesterday.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said the terms were "deliberately broad" to let the commissioners look into quality and safety issues and examples across the aged care sector.

The commission will cover care for people in aged care facilities, in-home care services and care for young Australians with disabilities living in a residential aged care environment.

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"How best to deliver care services, how best to deliver for the increasing number of Australians with dementia," Mr Hunt said.

"The future challenges and opportunities for delivering accessible and affordable high-quality care.

"What the Government and the aged [care] sector community can do in relation to ensuring quality and… allowing people greater choice and control, best delivering services through innovative care and investment and, in particular, noting the importance of providing options for young people with disabilities who have been placed in [an] aged care environment."

Mr Morrison said establishing a culture of respect for senior Australians was the major feedback in more than 5,100 responses to consultation, which started when the commission was announced three weeks ago.

"It is that culture of respect that actually ensures that people are treated with dignity and the care that they deserve," Mr Morrison said.

Aged care Stewart Johnston

Adelaide base welcomed by campaigner

Abuse at the State Government-run Oakden aged care facility in Adelaide's north-east will be a significant focus of the inquiry.

It was closed about a year ago after details about conditions at the home were revealed by ABC News.

Stewart Johnston, whose mother was allegedly abused at Oakden, said he was glad the Federal Government picked Adelaide as the royal commission's base.

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"I think Oakden became a wake-up call for us as a nation that all is not as it seems and we need to be looking further and deeper, and of course when we did, what we found was very unpleasant," Mr Johnston said.

"As a nation, we collectively stood on our feet and said 'that's enough'."

A report by South Australia's Independent Commissioner Against Corruption in February made damning findings of maladministration against five individuals and the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network.

Labor MP Mark Butler said the party supported the establishment of the royal commission.

"We want to see it unfold in a way that means that all of the needs and interests and opportunities of living longer lives are met by the Australian Government," Mr Butler said.

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Posted Tue 9 Oct 2018 at 3:23am Tuesday 9 Oct 2018 at 3:23am Tue 9 Oct 2018 at 3:23am , updated Tue 9 Oct 2018 at 7:58am Tuesday 9 Oct 2018 at 7:58am Tue 9 Oct 2018 at 7:58am