All American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) Offerings

As the certifying body of MGMA, ACMPE has been delivering professional development opportunities based on the Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management since 1956. Career development and advancement is a lifelong journey and a requirement in healthcare to stay on top. Learn more about each ACMPE offering and the value of the credentials. Have a question? Click the Ask MGMA button in the bottom right corner.

Select Your Interest

ACMPE Certificates

Build your capacity of a specialty area of practice or set of skills with a recognized certificate of mastery.

ACMPE Board Certification

Be recognized as the standard and become a Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE).

ACMPE Fellowship

Demonstrate the advancement as a thought leader of medical group management and become a Fellow (FACMPE).

MGMA-ACMPE Body of Knowledge

The medical practice management repository of industry knowledge, a guide to the industry, an assessment of competency and a learning tool.

ACMPE Organizational Offerings

Offer training and professional development through ACMPE credentialing opportunities to your staff with organizational incentives.

ACMPE Continuing Education for External Organizations

Receive approval to offer ACMPE credit at your events to drive engagement.

Share your ACMPE Designations

Display your ACMPE Certificate, Board Certification and Fellowship achievements.

2024 ACMPE Policy Manual

ACMPE Certificates, Certification and Fellowship Policy Manual