Fight club

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Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2020-06-04 06:04:09 Bookplateleaf 0002 Boxid IA1814402 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier urn:lcp:fightclub0000pala:lcpdf:c4ab4023-fa62-4f3b-8704-74b27f7e7aba
urn:oclc:record:1175670403 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier fightclub0000pala Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2q61dv9t Invoice 1652 Isbn 0099765217
9780099765219 Ocr_converted abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.20 Ocr_module_version 0.0.17 Old_pallet IA18103 Openlibrary_edition OL7319935M Openlibrary_work OL18941W Page_number_confidence 97 Page_number_module_version 1.0.5 Pages 230 Ppi 300 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20200604112832 Republisher_operator Republisher_time 347 Scandate 20200603063647 Scanner Scanningcenter cebu Scribe3_search_catalog isbn Scribe3_search_id 9780099765219 Source removed Tts_version 3.6-initial-119-gda8d7dc

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Reviewer: wharfat9 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 1, 2022
Subject: The one from Burbank

Chuck Pahalniuk is from Burbank. No, not that one. Not one you might like to have heard of .. another one. There is a point - a time - when you are travelling south out of Spokane and you come to the tri-cities, Kennewick, Pasco and so on .. and you make a right and continue along the Columbia River, the mighty gem of the ocean! .. that you have just caught up with, there, and you set your sites downriver, toward Portland, Oregon. The geography is important and in the case of that neck of the woods, dry,arid, sagebrush-like, inhospitable, the importance rasps and grates. Especially if you know the beauty of the 'tropical in comparison' Portland where spring is so gorgeous with the early blooming flowers and flower-ladened trees!

Well, if at the point of Pasco-Kennewick and so on you had hung a left and gone not that far but, anyhow, mobile home'd light years away/back, you would have come upon a hole in the desert called, yes, of course, Burbank.

There, this writer named Chuck Pahalniuk, well, it's from there he is from.

The Fight Club is a piece of work that won't stay in the woodwork. Is a fully-wrought, meticulously played out and played-through tour de force of satire. He got it, he hit it,he squeezes the nipples of it, he tweeks the flag, he flaunts everything that the grey hairs at Del Webb's Sun City (where children and pets are not allowed) would abhor.

That is it, after all, for the satirist. Dean Swift was so goddam mad at the ignorance cajoling all around that he aimed to give it to 'em good with his Gulliver's. The ones stricken with the caricaturing probably wouldn't/didn't even know it was about them.

Fight Club is about them - the caricature'd .. in rollers, up to here in self-help just like us all/therapy/therapies up the wazoo .. the people, the 'all of us' in the story, but/and, bring the boomerang around - Sartre noted how Genet did it in The Thief's Journal - it is/what it really is is about us. Touches base upon all our fears big and little the ones we niggle with the ones we would eanie meanie but can't. Inside the workings of this book is one great mind! One great mind that can see the American morass, the desert of us all/no dessert, got to lose 20 lbs. for summer .. the book doesn't blink. The book doesn't say, 'just kidding.'

I saw the movie, though I don't remember it well. Brad Pitt was gorgeous as he always is. I don't remember - they were punching each other out. Take off on the bad old days in Rome?

..but,the book, this book is something else. The writing! He doesn't, Chuck doesn't miss a beat. That office desk coming out of that building, high up, the drawers .. the man has painted pictures and these pictures roam and rustle and reek in our hippocampus.

There has been, has grown up around Mr. Pahalniuk a cult. A cult following. Ok/fine/great .. don't know about it. What I do know is that we in the not-so-united-state of America, bent on hating each other, need him and all the insights and satire and tweeking that he can bring to the table.