Social Media Guidelines for DOE Staff

Social media is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows interactive communication, including, but not limited to, social networks, blogs, Internet websites, Internet forums, and wikis. Examples of social media include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and Flickr.( These Guidelines do not address the professional use of third-party collaboration tools for purposes other than social media).

  1. Professional social media is a work-related social media activity that is either school-based (e.g., a DOE principal establishing a Facebook page for his/her school or a DOE teacher establishing a blog for his/her class), or non-school-based (e.g., a DOE office establishing a Facebook page to facilitate the office’s administration of a Chancellor’s Regulation).
  2. Personal social media use is a non work-related social media activity (e.g., a DOE central administrative employee establishing a Facebook page or a Twitter account for his/her own personal use).


These Guidelines apply to all DOE employees. The DOE will take steps to ensure that other DOE stakeholders, including vendors, volunteers, and independent contractors are informed of these Guidelines.

Professional Social Media Use

Maintaining Separate Professional and Personal E-mail Accounts

DOE employees who decide to engage in professional social media activities should maintain separate professional and personal e-mail addresses. As such, DOE employees should not use their personal e-mail address for professional social media activities, rather, employees should use a professional e-mail address that is completely separate from any personal social media they maintain. Regular and continuous use of a personal e-mail address for professional purposes, including social media use, may result in DOE considering the e-mail address, and the corresponding use of that address, as a professional account.

Communication with DOE Students

DOE employees who work with students and communicate (The term “communicates”, as used in this Guidance, refers to activity, including, but not limited to, “friending,” “following,” “commenting,” and “posting messages” using social media sites.) with students through professional social media sites (The term “site” and “sites” refer to an online social media account or usage.) should follow these guidelines:

  1. Professional social media sites that are school-based should be designed to address reasonable instructional, educational, or extra-curricular program matters; (DOE employees should use school-based professional social media sites that involve DOE students for professional purposes only.)
  2. Each school year, DOE parents (The term parent means the student’s parent or guardian, or any person in a parental or custodial relationship to the student. This includes: birth or adoptive parent, step-parent, legally appointed guardian, and foster parent) will be notified about the professional social media activities their children may participate in.

Guidance Regarding Professional Social Media Sites

  1. DOE employees should treat professional social media space and communication like a classroom and/or a professional workplace. The same standards expected in DOE professional settings are expected on professional social media sites. If a particular type of behavior is inappropriate in the classroom or a professional workplace, then that behavior is also inappropriate on the professional social media site.
  2. DOE employees should exercise caution, sound judgment, and common sense when using professional social media sites.
  3. When establishing professional social media sites, supervisors and employees should consider the intended audience for the site and consider the level of privacy assigned to the site, specifically, whether the site should be a private network (for example, it is limited to a particular class or particular grade with in a school) or a public network (for example, anyone within the school, a larger group within the DOE community can participate or individuals outside of the DOE). It is recommended practice for professional social media sites to be private networks, unless there is a specific educational need for the site to be a public network.
  4. To the extent possible, based on the social media site being used, DOE supervisors or their designees should be given separate administrator rights providing limited access to the professional social media accounts established by DOE employees. See FAQ #22, (below) for more information.
  5. DOE employees should obtain their supervisor’s approval using a registration form the school chooses before setting up a professional social media presence.
  6. If a professional social media site undergoes a significant change (for example, a Facebook page being used to share questions about reading assignments will now be used to share ideas with a class at a school in another country), consider whether a revised registry form and revised parental notification is needed. As needed, schools can continue to inform families about newly created social media sites.
  7. Supervisors and their designees are responsible for maintaining a list of all professional social media accounts within their particular school or office.
  8. Professional DOE social media sites should include language identifying the sites as professional social media DOE sites to differentiate from personal sites. For example, the professional sites can identify the DOE school, department, or particular grade that is utilizing the site. See FAQ 11 (below) for more information.
  9. Central offices that wish to create a social media presence for their office should work with the office supervisor(s) and also consult with the DOE’s Office of Communications and Media Relations for additional guidance prior to creating a social media presence;
  10. Professional social media sites that are non school-based should have a reasonable relationship to the mission and function of the DOE office creating the site.
  11. DOE employees should use privacy settings to control access to their professional social media sites with the objective that professional social media communications only reach the intended audience. However, DOE employees should be aware that there are limitations to privacy settings. Private communication published on the Internet can easily become public. Furthermore, social media sites can change their current default privacy settings and other functions. As a result, each employee has a responsibility to understand the rules of the social media site being utilized.
  12. Professional social media communication must be in compliance with existing Chancellor’s Regulations, DOE policies and applicable laws, including, but not limited to, prohibitions on the disclosure of confidential information and prohibitions on the use of harassing, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory or threatening language.
  13. No personally identifiable student information, as defined in Chancellor’s Regulation A-820 may be posted by DOE employees on professional social media sites that are open beyond the classroom, which may include, for example, a “buddy” class in another country. If images of students are to be posted online there must be a media consent form on file at the school for each child featured.
  14. DOE students who participate in professional social media sites may not be permitted to post photographs or videos featuring other students without the approval of the teacher or other DOE employee responsible for the site.
  15. It is not recommended that DOE employees post photos of other DOE employees on professional social media sites without prior permission of the photographed employee.

Monitoring of Professional Social Media Sites

  1. DOE supervisors, or their designees, are responsible for monitoring and providing feedback regarding their employees’ professional social media sites. The monitoring responsibilities include reviewing the professional social media sites on a regular basis. If supervisors discover questionable communications or behavior on professional social media sites, they are required to contact the appropriate authorities for assistance. (Existing DOE reporting requirements must be followed. Depending on the circumstances, the appropriate authorities may include, but are not limited to: school support center staff, borough safety directors, the Office of the Special Commissioner of Investigations, the Office of Special Investigations, the Office of Equal Opportunity, the Office of the General Counsel, the senior field counsel, the New York City Administration for Children’s Services, and the New York City Police Department.)
  2. DOE supervisors (i.e., principal/designee, school support center staff, superintendent) reserve the right to remove postings and/or disable a page, of professional social media sites that do not adhere to the law or Chancellor’s Regulations or do not reasonably align with these Guidelines.

To assist in monitoring, as a recommended practice to the extent possible, the DOE employee should examine the default settings for comments on professional social media sites and in general use more restrictive custom settings. The DOE employee creating the site should intentionally move to more public settings as dictated by need. If the default setting for comments is turned on, allowing any user to post a comment without review, the comments on the site should be monitored regularly.

  1. Employees using professional social media have no expectation of privacy with regard to their use of such media. DOE supervisors, or their designees, will regularly monitor professional social media sites to protect the school community.
  2. DOE supervisors should maintain a detailed log of all reported non-compliant communications as well as any violations that are otherwise brought to the supervisor’s attention. Such reports of non-compliant communications should be immediately shared with the DOE employee so that the DOE employee may take corrective action, if necessary and if possible.

Press Inquiries

Personal Social Media Use

Communication with DOE Students

In order to maintain a professional and appropriate relationship with students, DOE employees should not communicate with students who are currently enrolled in DOE schools on personal social media sites. DOE employees’ communication with DOE students via personal social media is subject to the following exceptions: (a) communication with relatives and (b) if an emergency situation requires such communication, in which case the DOE employee should notify his/her supervisor of the contact as soon as possible.

Guidance Regarding Personal Social Media Sites

DOE employees should exercise caution and common sense when using personal social media sites:

  1. As a recommended practice, DOE employees are encouraged to use appropriate privacy settings to control access to their personal social media sites. However, be aware that there are limitations to privacy settings. Private communication published on the Internet can easily become public. Furthermore, social media sites can change their current default privacy settings and other functions. As a result, employees are responsible for understanding the rules of the social media site being utilized.
  2. It is not recommended that DOE employees “tag” photos of other DOE employees, DOE volunteers, DOE contractors or DOE vendors without the prior permission of the individuals being tagged.
  3. Personal social media use, including off-hours use, has the potential to result in disruption at school and/or the workplace, and can be in violation of DOE policies, Chancellor’s Regulations, and law.
  4. The posting or disclosure of personally identifiable student information or confidential information via personal social media sites, in violation of Chancellor’s Regulations, is prohibited.
  5. DOE employees should not use the DOE’s logo or make representations that their personal social media sites speak in an official DOE capacity. Use of the DOE logo that is automatically populated on personal social media sites, such as LinkedIn, is permitted.
  6. Notwithstanding the guidelines above, postings by a DOE employee may be protected activity under applicable labor laws and collective bargaining agreements.

Applicability of DOE Policies and Other Laws

  1. These Guidelines provide guidance intended to supplement, not supersede, existing DOE policies, Chancellor’s Regulations and laws. Users of professional social media sites must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and intellectual property laws.
  2. These Guidelines are not designed to serve as a code of conduct for social media use and do not constitute separate bases for potential discipline. However, all existing DOE policies, regulations and laws that cover employee conduct may be applicable in the social media environment. These include, but are not limited to, Chancellor's Regulations, the Conflicts of Interest Law, the DOE Internet and Acceptable and Use Safety Policy, and Section 3020-a of the NY State Education Law.

(DOE employees who are mandated reporters are required to abide by the same reporting responsibilities in a social media context. Various Chancellor's Regulations impose reporting requirements on DOE employees for issues such as child abuse, child maltreatment, school-related incidents and crimes, corporal punishment, verbal abuse, unlawful discrimination or harassment by DOE employees, student-to-student sexual harassment, and student-to-student bias-based harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying. For example, see Chancellor's Regulations A-412 – Security in the Schools, A-420 – Corporal Punishment, A-421 – Verbal Abuse, A-750 – Child Abuse, A-830 – Discrimination/ Harassment, A-831- Peer Sexual Harassment, A-832 – Student-to-Student Bias-Based Harassment, Intimidation and/or Bullying.)

Additional Inquiries

This document is meant to provide general guidance and does not cover every potential social media situation. Should any questions arise, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions (below) or contact your DOE senior field counsel or the DOE’s Office of Legal Services at 212-374-6888 or As these Guidelines address rapidly changing technology, the DOE will regularly revisit these Guidelines and will update them as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions
